At Paul and Page we strive to be at the top of our game, for ourselves and for you, our customers. We have been in the construction business long enough to know what it is that you need and we continue to do everything in our power to be able to deliver that to you.

Passive House is a concept that came to light in Germany more than 30 years ago. The idea was put together using various techniques in order to create, construct and establish a build that not only looked great but that ensured a high eco standard. Having a passive house will enable your build’s energy usage to be lower, decreasing the impact on the environment and therefore reducing energy bills. There is much more to a passive house than just this but, these are the factors that people remember and what entices them into ‘having a piece of the cake’.

We, at Paul and Page, understand and are excited about the future of construction and we know that passive house plays a very important role in securing our industry. Passive house standard can be achieved by anyone who adheres to the criteria set out. It is not, as it is often thought to be, a brand name. It is solely a concept to produce an energy efficient, comfortable, affordable and ecological build. In order to comply you will, as stated, adhere to the selected criteria and, once completed to the passive house standard, you will receive a certificate.

The air quality inside one of these builds is clean and healthy. The noise from outside will be controlled, so, if your windows and doors are shut, you will find everything nice and peaceful. You will no longer have to keep an eye on the fuel prices and worry about when they go up or what impact using them will have on the environment. Your air leakage will be minimal, meaning you will have very little, if any, gaps in the fabric of your build. Through clever construction, expert design and super insulation your home will be air tight and in need of a good ventilation system. Combined together, these techniques will allow excellent air flow into and out of your home. Controlled ventilation on an airtight build will provide you with that healthier living environment that we talked about.

We have always taken care with the design of our builds and all of our builds have an EPC rating A so, as we have said, the natural progression is to venture into passive houses. We have an already existing high standard that is expected and delivered and we in no way want this to be compromised. We know that this is the way we want to travel, but it is not going to be a quick route. We are excited to be able to deliver on our promise of passive house and we have every intention of keeping you updated along the way. The future of construction is constantly evolving and we, at Paul and Page, have every intention of evolving with it.

If you’d like to keep updated with any news that we have on our passive houses, or on us as a company, please follow us on social media. We appreciate all the support we can get and, quite honestly, without you we are just a dream.

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